Aimee's teaching style will make you feel calm, connected, and centered. While Aimee has a background in many meditation modalities, her specialties are crystal healing, past life regression and chakra balancing. To book a private with Aimee in our LA Studio or via Skype, please email [email protected] or call (310) 826-8899.
Rise And Rejuvenate: Aimee Bello
A quick energizing meditation, perfect for when you need a pick-me-up.
Go With The Flow: Aimee Bello
A wonderful grounding meditation to clear negative thoughts and reconnect you to your peace.
Chakra Balancing: Aimee Bello
A powerful realignment of all seven chakras.
Aimee's Full Moon Crystal Ritual: Aimee Bello
Aimee shares her crystal healing ritual as a tool to re-align, balance and find center.
Success and Prosperity with Pyrite: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using pyrite, a stone of prosperity, success and good fortune.
Feel the Love with Rose Quartz: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using rose quartz, a stone of sweet, nurturing love and compassion.
Be Joyful with Citrine: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using citrine, a stone of joy, happiness and positivity.
Grounding with Smoky Quartz: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using smoky quartz, a very grounding and protective stone.
Get Creative with Carnelian: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using carnelian, a stone of creativity, fertility and manifestation.
Clearing Negativity with Amethyst: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using amethyst, a stone of clarity and positivity.
Crystal Clarity with Quartz: Aimee Bello
Aimee guides you through a crystal meditation using crystal quartz, a cleansing and amplifying stone that helps with clarity and abundance.
It's Not Too Late To Create: Aimee Bello
Unlock your potential to create your best life with this empowering mediation.
Choose Your Own Crystal Adventure: Aimee Bello
Use your favorite crystals to clarify and amplify your intentions for the day.
Rest And Relax With Selenite: Aimee Bello
A relaxing crystal meditation, perfect for insomnia and restless sleepers.