Cassandra's teaching style will make you feel relaxed, empowered & more deeply connected to the truth of who you really are. Cassandra is the author of the best-selling book, Eat with Intention: Meditations and Recipes for a Life the Lights You Up. Her specialties include guided meditations on the subjects of loving & connecting with your body, utilizing astrological energy (new & full moons), & tapping into your personal power & inner guidance system. To book a private with Cassandra in our LA Studio or via Skype, please email [email protected] or call (310) 826-8899.
House Blessing Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Whether you're moving into a new space or want to freshen up the space you're currently in, this meditation will help you bless your surroundings with clear energy and positive intention.
F.O.G.T.T.O. (Fear of Going to the Office): Cassandra Bodzak
Have you gotten used to working remotely or from home and now need to go back into the office? This meditation is for you if you're experiencing difficulty in adjusting to the change of environment.
Empower Yourself: Cassandra Bodzak
A meditation to write an empowering story about your life.
Mercury in Retrograde: Cassandra Bodzak
A meditation to help you navigate what may feel like a chaotic or unlucky time when Mercury is in retrograde. Take this opportunity to reflect, re-assess and revive.
Eclipse Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
This meditation can be done anytime during an eclipse season, which tends to be an eventful and ever-changing time. Navigate the energy of this time in your life with ease.
Self-Compassion: Cassandra Bodzak
Give yourself the love that you give to everyone else.
Happy Holidays: Cassandra Bodzak
Enjoy this special holiday meditation to give and receive the gift of presence.
New Year's Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Set intentions for your best year yet with this special New Year's meditation.
Accessing Now: Cassandra Bodzak
Access the present moment, where all the juicy goodness of life is!
Full Moon Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Let go of everything that's not serving you during the full moon.
Holiday Zen: Cassandra Bodzak
This meditation gives you a glimpse into the hearts of others so you can approach the holiday table with love.
Mindful Eating: Cassandra Bodzak
Learn how to use mealtime as an opportunity to connect to the present moment.
Childhood Wounds: Cassandra Bodzak
A transformational meditation to heal childhood wounds.
Rock Star Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Feel like a rock star going into your day!
New Moon Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Meditation for new beginnings, setting intentions and planting seeds in your life.
New & Full Moon Explained: Cassandra Bodzak
Cassandra explains the differences between the new and full moon's powerful energies.
Self-Love Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Cultivate self-love to be the best version of yourself.
Evening Meditation: Shedding the Day: Cassandra Bodzak
Release tension from your day to get a great night's sleep!
Ignite and Expand: Cassandra Bodzak
Connect back with your inner light for a boost of confidence.
Loving Forgiveness: Cassandra Bodzak
Meditation for learning how to forgive someone in your life.
Body Communication: Cassandra Bodzak
Get in conversation with your physical being to discover what it really needs.
Decision Making: Cassandra Bodzak
Meditation for making a tough decision.