Kristina Joy is a Sound Healing Practitioner, Breathwork and Meditation Facilitator, Reiki 3 Healer and Certified Life Coach. She believes that peace worldwide starts from inside, and it is her life mission to create positive change in the world by inspiring greater self-love, inner peace, deep healing, joy, and the expansion of consciousness within as many people as possible.
Sonic Journey to Release and Let Go: Kristina Joy
A quick sonic journey you can listen to anytime to release heaviness in the heart or mind. Tip: listen with headphones!
Sound Healing for Deep Sleep: Kristina Joy
Release the day and sink into sleep with this powerfully healing sound bath. Tip: listen with headphones!
Sound Healing for Inner Peace: Kristina Joy
A deeply soothing and melodic sound bath to connect you back to inner peace. Tip: listen with headphones!