Sara's teaching style will make you feel deeply relaxed and centered. While Sara has a background in many meditation modalities, her specialty is Meditation for Sleep. To book a private with Sara via Skype, please email [email protected] or call (310) 826-8899.
Calm Within Chaos: Sara Ivanhoe
A quick meditation for when things get crazy and out of hand and you need to re-center.
Rise And Set Intention: Sara Ivanhoe
A simple morning intention setting meditation so you can move through your day with ease and grace.
Dissolve Your Worries Away: Sara Ivanhoe
Dissolve tension out of the body and worries out of the mind.
Passenger Meditation For A Calm Ride: Sara Ivanhoe
Use this transportation opportunity to ground down, get centered and reset.
Goodnight Meditation: Sara Ivanhoe
Sara will guide you through a powerful relaxation process to lull yourself to sleep.
Catnap For Rejuvenation: Sara Ivanhoe
Feeling sleepy or low energy? This is a simple technique that will rejuvenate you so you can move on with your day.
Taxi Time: Sara Ivanhoe
Use your commute as an opportunity for a few moments of peace and calm.