Feel what a difference 10 minutes can make. Start from the top and discover all the different styles.
Sonic Journey to Release and Let Go: Kristina Joy
A quick sonic journey you can listen to anytime to release heaviness in the heart or mind. Tip: listen with headphones!
Listening To Your Body Language: Mwanini Makangira
Tune into the language and signals of your body to ease tension, stress or pain.
Afternoon Refocus Huddle for Weight Mastery: Rita Black
A short and relaxing refocus huddle session to refocus your inner coach on your weight goals for the evening so that you can stay strong and powerful.
Positive Mindset For Exercise: Shayna Hiller
Have you ever actually regretted choosing to exercise? Let this meditation be a gentle reminder of that to get you motivated to move your body!
Meditation to Curb Cravings: Shayna Hiller
This is a gentle meditation to help rewire your reaction to cravings and open your mind to healthier alternatives.
Slowing Down with Food: Shayna Hiller
Cultivate mindfulness and presence with the food you eat so you can feel more nourished, replenished and peaceful with every meal.
Declutter Your Mind: Mwanini Makangira
A short but powerful meditation to help clear the mind and bring you back to the present moment.
New Year, Best You: Lauren Eckstrom
Do this anytime of year when you need inspiration to be the BEST YOU possible.
My Morning Practice: Nicholas Pratley
Incorporate some gentle, energizing movement into your meditation to help clear your head and start the day fresh.
Mastering Your Agenda: Ben Decker
Bring to mind how you want your day to play out, so you can master your agenda with ease.
Peaceful Day Meditation: John Sahakian
Start your day with balance, serenity, and intention.
Morning Affirmations: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
Camilla shares three powerful affirmations to help you set your day in a positive trajectory.
Uncovering Happiness: Elisha Goldstein
Bring the joy in your life to the foreground with this heart-warming meditation.
Body Communication: Cassandra Bodzak
Get in conversation with your physical being to discover what it really needs.
Intro To Meditation: davidji
What exactly IS meditation, and why (and how) should we do it? Davidji breaks it down.
Amplify Now: Donovan Vriens-McGrath
Strengthen your ability to feel fully present on command, anytime, anywhere.
Sound Bath Express: Andrew Clark
A short and sweet sound bath experience to quickly relax and rejuvenate you.
Clearing the Past: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
A guided visualization for washing away the past and going with the flow.
Inner Ocean: Normandie Keith
Use the breath to come back home to the inner peace that rests within.
Take a Breather: Sharon Salzberg
Take a breather with world-renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg.
Self-Love Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Cultivate self-love to be the best version of yourself.
The Empowered Life: Think Big! Tracee Stanley
The Empowered Life series is designed for intuitive self-inquiry during meditation. What do you hope to accomplish?
Me Time: Megan Monahan
Take the time and space to replenish. We all need some "me time".
Starting the Day: Scott Schwenk
A super simple way to start your day stress-free.