Under 15 minute meditations designed to take you deep. Start at the top and work your way down.
Healthy Boundaries: Tom Williamson
Explore the different roles and archetypes you represent as a way to create healthy boundaries in your life.
Emotional Color Wheel: Tom Williamson
A unique guided visualization to explore the full spectrum of your emotions. Come away feeling emotionally balanced and whole.
Body Hug: Tom Williamson
Move through the sensation of hugging each part of your body, and giving yourself extra love.
House Blessing Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
Whether you're moving into a new space or want to freshen up the space you're currently in, this meditation will help you bless your surroundings with clear energy and positive intention.
Mercury in Retrograde: Cassandra Bodzak
A meditation to help you navigate what may feel like a chaotic or unlucky time when Mercury is in retrograde. Take this opportunity to reflect, re-assess and revive.
Eclipse Meditation: Cassandra Bodzak
This meditation can be done anytime during an eclipse season, which tends to be an eventful and ever-changing time. Navigate the energy of this time in your life with ease.
Open Your Heart: Maha Bodhi
Start with an invigorating breathing exercise to open the heart space, then transition into a gentle loving kindness meditation.
Heart Expansion: Alex Artymiak
A heart-centered meditation to help you emanate positive, loving energy to those near and far.
A Positive Future: Rocky Heron
A guided visualization to help manifest your most positive and blissful future.
Interoception: The Wisdom of the Body: Hala Khouri
A meditation to help cultivate interoception, the capacity to sense what is happening inside the body and tune into its wisdom.
Managing Anxiety: Hala Khouri
Orient yourself away from anxiety and toward feelings of support and grounding.
Your Daily Power: Justin Michael Williams
A guided visualization practice to help manifest your goals and desires in one area of your life.
Bad Vibes Be Gone: Justin Michael Williams
A meditation to cleanse any bad vibes or negative energy coming from within yourself or others. Set healthy boundaries and clear the slate.
Forgiving Yourself: Justin Michael Williams
A healing self-forgiveness meditation to help you align back with your truth.
Embodiment: Shayna Hiller
A meditation to help ground back into your physical body and embody your best qualities.
Quantum Leap: Shayna Hiller
An expansive meditation to tap into the infinite field of possibility.
Cord Cutting: Shayna Hiller
An energetic meditation to address and heal unhealthy aspects of a personal relationship. Clear energy that is not serving you (or the other person), and create space for growth, healing and magic.
Visualize Wellbeing: Rocky Heron
A guided visualization to harness and optimize the wellbeing of your body.
Open Awareness: Rocky Heron
A guided visualization to expand your field of awareness into limitless possibilities.
Unconditional Gratitude: John Vosler
Place your awareness on feelings of abundance, gratitude and presence to shift into a state of joy.
Overcoming Trauma: Hala Khouri
A meditation to feel safe in your body and mind, and to explore techniques that may help with healing unresolved trauma.
Fully Free: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Cultivate inner freedom and peace of mind.
Metta Meditation: Ivorie Jenkins
A healing loving kindness meditation to send and receive love and well wishes.
Higher Self Meditation: Gina Hemmings
A guided visualization for connecting to your highest, best self.