Under 15 minute meditations designed to take you deep. Start at the top and work your way down.
Finding Your Purpose: Lena George
Learn how to keep your deepest, innermost values at the forefront of your heart and mind.
Take a Breather: Sharon Salzberg
Take a breather with world-renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg.
My Personal Practice: Lewis Howes
Lewis shares his personal meditation practice to connect to his vision and achieve his dreams.
Planting Seeds Meditation: Johnny O'Callaghan
Plant your heart's desires as seeds and watch them sprout into reality.
Spacious Awareness: Natalie Bell
Develop a spacious mind and present moment awareness.
Spacious Awareness (no music): Natalie Bell
Cultivate spacious awareness to connect with the stillness and silence within. Let the experience of your own breath be your inner soundtrack.
Transformation: Peter Oppermann
Use the power of your heart to transform anything you feel is an obstacle.
Restore: Nicholas Pratley
The ultimate restorative meditation. Unplug from the outside world and plug into your inside world to reset and refresh.
Work Life Balance: Kelsey Patel
This meditation will help you create harmony in both your work and your life.
Getting Ready For The Day: Ben Decker
This mantra-based meditation prepares you for everything your day might throw at you.
Connect Within: Lauren Eckstrom
Practice creating a new pathway to connect with the part of you that is loving, kind and deeply patient.
I Am Enough: Heather Hayward
You are whole, perfect and complete...sometimes you need to be reminded!
Evening Deep Sleep Body Scan: Lauren Eckstrom
This meditation will help you fully relax your body and mind before you drift off to sleep.
Self Love Fest: Christina Huntington
Imagine meeting yourself for the first time at a party. Get inspired, admired and instantly click.
Feel Good Meditation: Chris Plourde
The name says it all - feel good in a matter of minutes!
Self-Forgiveness: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
Meditate with soothing affirmations to nurture yourself and cultivate self forgiveness.
Loving Kindness Meditation: Lauren Eckstrom
Share benevolence, kindness and love with yourself and others.
A Date With Your Inner Child: Jenna Reiss
Find out what your inner child needs in this sweet, joyful meditation.
Your 5 Year Journey: Chris Plourde
Imagine and manifest your dream life five years into the future. Where are you, what does it feel like? Experience the sensation then connect with action steps to watch it come to fruition.
Mindful Eating: Cassandra Bodzak
Learn how to use mealtime as an opportunity to connect to the present moment.
Morning Meditation: Kelsey Patel
Welcome the day ahead with an open heart and calm mind.
Anger Management: Ben Decker
Disengage from anger to respond more appropriately to your stressors.
Meditation For Managers: Ben Decker
Tackle your work day with a clear mind and an open heart.
Meditation For the Bathtub (Self Care Saturday): Jenna Reiss
In this meditation, Jenna takes your blissful bath to the next level.