Feel what a difference 10 minutes can make. Start from the top and discover all the different styles.
Morning Refresh: Zel Amanzi
Wake up and get centered to begin a new day.
Grounding To Be Present: Zel Amanzi
Ground into your body to still your mind and feel centered.
Heart Visualization: Zel Amanzi
A heart-centered meditation to make room for more love and joy.
Acceptance: John Sahakian
An easy meditation for transformation - cultivate acceptance so you can inspire change from within.
A Quick Time In: Jenn Reno
Take a quick time-in to clear your mind of distraction, and ease feelings of stress and anxiety.
Presence Practice: John Sahakian
Practice the power of presence.
Grounding into the Senses: John Sahakian
This meditation will help you plant your feet back on the ground and feel supported.
Mind Body Relief: Jenn Reno
Breathe into the areas of your body that need it most to ease discomfort and pain.
Relax and Rejuvenate: John Sahakian
Redirect energy from tension and stress to restore cells in your body and refresh your mind.
Spontaneous Gratitude: John Sahakian
Gratitude on the go to get happy quick!
Unguided: Transformation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
In this unguided meditation, ask yourself the questions that mean the most to you to inspire transformation.
Unguided: Gratitude: Suze Yalof Schwartz
In this unguided meditation, simply reflect on what you're grateful and smile on the inside.
New Moon Meditation: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
Meditate on what you want to call into your life and set intentions to help it manifest.
Trillionaire Consciousness: Ben Decker
An empowering meditation to remind you of your unlimited potential and abundance, and to help you gain clarity on your personal origin story and desired legacy.
Meditation for Resilience: Ben Decker
Strengthen your resilience to recover from whatever challenges may be happening in your life.
Begin Again: Ben Decker
In every new day, new moment and new breath, we can begin again.
Silver Linings: Ben Decker
Shift your perspective to a positive one and find the silver lining in any challenge.
You Got This: John Vosler
Let go of your worries or insecurities, boost your confidence, get present and remember YOU GOT THIS!
Listen to the Silence: John Vosler
There is great power in sitting in silence. Take time for yourself in this meditation to allow answers and healing to come from within.
Radical Rest: John Vosler
A quick but effective meditation to restore your energy.
Your Heartfelt Desire: John Vosler
Meditate on your heartfelt desire for what you truly want to create and manifest in your life.
Wave of Relaxation: John Vosler
Wash away the past, let go of seeking the future, and just be present for this short meditation.
Unguided: Finding Your Center: Suze Yalof Schwartz
In this unguided meditation, experience your breath to ground into your center.
Unguided: Being Present: Suze Yalof Schwartz
In this unguided meditation, repeat a simple mantra to keep coming back to the present moment.