An easy way to squeeze in a meditation is to figure out how much time you have and then just click play. This collection is short and sweet. Start from the top and work your way down.
Manifesting a Successful Outcome: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
A visualization meditation to prepare you for a successful outcome to any event you may be worried about.
Breathing For Balance: Kelsey Patel
Learn a balancing breath technique that will leave you feeling re-aligned and at peace.
Beditation: davidji
A genius technique to squeeze meditation in first thing in the morning using your snooze alarm!
Focus Before The Meeting: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Take time to get calm, focused and mentally prepared before any meeting.
Pause Before You Lose It: Megan Monahan
Pause right before you lose it so that you can respond instead of react. This meditation is perfect in the moment.
Meditation to Focus Quick: Natalie Bell
Feeling distracted? This meditation will help you get focused quick so you can be productive.
Exploring Your Why: Chris Plourde
Explore and fulfill your intentions for choosing to meditate.
Morning Peace: Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
Get centered before you jump into any of the day's activities that may disturb your peace.
Starbucks Meditation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Turn your wait in line for coffee into a present moment experience.
Candle Gazing: Lauren Eckstrom
A powerful meditation technique to ground down and experience bliss.
"I Wish I Could Take That Back": davidji
Feeling regretful? This meditation will help you forgive yourself so you can move from where you are to where you want to be.
Savoring Meditation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
This meditation is for slowing down, appreciating the moment, and experiencing food joy. You can do this with any bite of food.
STOP: Natalie Bell
Learn the S.T.O.P. trick to remember for anytime you need to pause before proceeding.
Destination Present Moment: Heather Hayward
Hop off the treadmill of restless thoughts & be here now.
Obsession Obliterator: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Feeling caught in a mental spiral? This meditation will help you break free from obsessive thoughts.
Passenger Meditation For A Calm Ride: Sara Ivanhoe
Use this transportation opportunity to ground down, get centered and reset.
Crazy Eight Meditation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Learn an easy and effective technique to stay grounded in the present moment.
Breathe Into Deep Sleep: davidji
A meditation technique to help you slowly, seamlessly slide into sleep.
S.T.O.P Meditation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Learn the S.T.O.P. trick to remember for anytime you need to pause before proceeding.
Mood Lifter: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Practice gratitude anytime you need to shift out of a bad mood.
Meditation To Increase Focus: Natalie Bell
Whatever you may be doing, this meditation is for anytime you feel like you're losing your sense of focus.
U.N.P.L.U.G. Meditation: Suze Yalof Schwartz
Use the signature UNPLUG technique to help you on your meditation journey.
Mindful Eating: Natalie Bell
Use food as your meditation focus to experience a journey through the senses.
Taxi Time: Sara Ivanhoe
Use your commute as an opportunity for a few moments of peace and calm.